• The paper will be written in Microsoft Word (in English)
  • Page Format B5; 3cm left, 2 cm right, 2 cm top and bottom
  • Font: Times New Roman, 11, single, justify.
  • Paper maximum length: 8 pages (including bibliography).
  • The first page will contain:
-  Name and surname of the author(s), TNR 11, top, no blank space, align right, bold University/affiliation, as first footnote for name and surname (Times New Roman, 10)
- Title of the paper, 3 lines extra space below the affiliation (Times New Roman, 12, bold, centred, capital letters);
- Abstract of the paper, 2 lines extra space below the title (the title Abstract is written in italics ; the text of the abstract is written with Times New Roman, 11)
- Key words (5), one line extra space below the abstract (the key words are
written in bold, the other 5 words – in italics, Times New Roman, 11)
  • Article, one line extra space below the key words
  • Bibliography should be written at the end of the paper, one line extra space below the text of the article, after the word (TNR 11 bold).
  • Authors should be written in alphabetical order, following the example:
KERBRAT-ORECCHIONI, Catherine, La connotation, Lyon, Presses
Universitaires de Lyon, 1977.
KLEIBER, George, « Contexte, interprétation et mémoire: approche standard vs approche cognitive », in Langue française, no 103, Paris, Larousse, 1994.
CARTER, R. & M. MCCARTHY, Cambridge Grammar of English:
Written and Spoken Grammar and Usag, Cambridge, Cambridge University Press, 2006.
BYRAM, Michael & Anwei, FENG, "Teaching and researching intercultural competence", in Hinkel, Eli (ed.). Handbook of Research in Second Language Teaching and Learning. Mahwah, NJ: Erlbaum, 2005, pp. 911-930.
  • Quotations should be written between inverted commas (« :: » if the text is in French ) ; do not use italics ; the quatations which are longer than 3 lines will be written at 1,25 cm left margin of the text, leaving one blank space before and after the text of the article ; the same will be with different other examples.
  • Titles of the subchapters should be written one line extra space below the text, using Roman numbering; titles are in bold, TNR 11.
  • Footnotes should be used for references.
Louis Kelly, The True Interpreter : A History of Translation Theory
and Practice in the West, New York, St. Martin’s Press, 1979, p. 34. (a full stop will be placed at the end of each note).
- If the work has been mentioned before, but the distance is too big, you should write the name of the author, the first word(s) from the title, op.cit. and the
number of the page.
Saint Augustin, De doctrina…, op. cit., p. 59.
If the reference is to the same work on the same page:
Ibidem (in italics), p.60.
  • Do not use page numbers.